We in media

Only in October: MY PRESENTATION FROM ABMA CONFERENCE IN DENMARK (2015) IS A SPOTLIGHT VIDEO OF THIS MONTHS ON https://www.animalprofessional.com/# If you like to here me explaining of the topic Decreasing Different Kinds of Aggression Using the “Stress Triangle”, go down the Animalprofessional page and enjoy

Activities of František Šusta as animal trainer in Prague Zoo you can find in here (in english).

My article on the blog ZooSpensefull you can find here

Other  examples of us in media are, however, in Czech. From Czech TV Channels they are for example:
Training as a dialogue (a serial on national TV channel)
Chcete mě?
Interview in radio Impuls:
František Šusta: Agresivita u zvířat se dá odnaučit
Interviews in different dog magazines
I pes má své meze (source: Psí sporty 2013/04 )
Interviews and videos on web – MF Idnes:
Když chcete trénovat lemury, musíte vědět, kdo je jejich vůdce
I lamu naučíte cokoliv. Stačí pozitivní motivace, radí trenér zvířat
Prase zadarmo ani nehrabe. Vycvičíte ho, ale pes z něj nebude
(source: MF DNES + video)
Report about the ABMA Awards
Světové uznání pro Zoo Praha
(source: Zoo Praha)

Show Jana Krause 27. 6. 2014 (TV talk show)

VIP materials

If you have login and password, you can download special material include unique training game.